Time Flies

 Time Flies

Time flies so fast isn't it ? We were just introducing ourselves before, now we are now quarters in finishing this school year. Yet, we were just struggling and cramming our outputs, now we are starting off a new page. I know that being a Grade-10 student can be really hard sometimes, but it's not only the challenges that we see but also the fun in learning. 

Now that I'm currently in this grade, I realized that I should be enjoying my last year of being a junior highschool student. I have learned about many things  to make learning effective, instead of just reviewing when the exam or quiz day is coming, managing our time, socializing and communicating with others, and applying our skills in specific tasks. There are only few but they really mean a lot. I thought that this are only essential in senior high and college but I realize that we should be acquiring it now. However, the most important learnings that I have gained is how to live our lives. We aren't going to school just to learn various topics about subjects but we are also learning various life skills and how to apply them to our everyday lives which really is a big help to us. 

But I didn't just learned this things in the easy way. Many of us have encountered problems, some didn't know what to do, and some just got over it. When you ask other students what are their problems, they answer the most typical answer you can hear, not having enough time to do school works or not understanding the lessons but for me it's different. The problems is me itself. I thought that being shy doesn't affect anything. Everytime I get called for recitations, I get nervous and I even stutter when I answer. So I end up regretting not having enough confidence in myself and I even hate myself for it. And I also end up getting jealous of other students because of it.

But I'm thanking myself that I realized it sooner. I have might not addressed it completely but I'm taking one step at a time and I'm finding more ways on how to be more confident. I participated in the intramurals, and I'm now planning to participate in the City meet and R1AA. So for now, I'm encouraging myself to recite more in our classes so that I will be used to it and will have no further problems when I will be in Senior Highschool and College.

It might be hard for me but I know for sure that I will take this lessons as guides in my life. I'm not the best me for now but as time will fly, I will still be growing using the things I have learned in my classes. It might take time but I know for sure that it's working. Yet, someday I will be close enough to reach the end of the ladder. 


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