Lessons I Learned Along the Way

Lessons I Learned Along the Way

This quarter we were introduced to programming.I admit it that it's hard but when you try to understand it, it will be a piece of cake and you will also enjoy. I didn't expect that there were many things to remember so that you will not be confused or even redo your output. But with the help of our teacher, it was more easier to understand.

There might be a lot of suspension of classes due to the six consecutive typhoons, but we were able to catch up with our lessons and activities. We only had  a few days to learn and study our lessons because the quarterly examination were few days ahead. 

It was really hard to manage our times especially there were many school works.  We even sacrifice our sleeps so that we can only finish the deadlines because we do not only have one subject, we have ten. And we all know that many people are expecting us to finish these outputs on time because we are part of the special mathematics class. 

But  even if we belong to the Special mathematics class, we also have our limitations. We aren't robots who don't get tired from doing works. Also, we don't only do school works, we also do chores at home. Making it more harder for us to manage our time. 

However, even if we encounter problems like this, we don't give up easily. We even sacrifice our sleep and our free times just to finish outputs and deadlines. Because we all know that there are many people around us who have high expectations on us, and we can't forgive ourselves if we fail to meet these expectations. 

So if it gets hard or tough, we should always remember that it's okay to take a rest sometimes. We shouldn't only prioritize our studies but we also need to prioritize ourselves. And don't be too hard on yourself.


  1. your reflection iz zoo good, keep it up. you've done a great job. I'm proud of you.

  2. Wow amazing, I hope i can learn a thing or two in your reflection.

  3. I love the fact that I learned one or two thing/s in your reflection, keep up the good work. You did a great job! :)

    1. Thanks! I hope that you will continue to read my blogs! :p

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your reflection is good, keep it up

  6. I encountered the same struggles, nice to see I was not alone

  7. glad that you still managed to overcome those challenges. Keep up the good work!

  8. It's inspiring to see how you've managed to push through your struggles. Keep striving!

  9. Your reflection is so good, I learned something from it. Keep it up, I'm so proud of you!!!!

  10. Although it was exhausting, we both learned a lot this quarter!

    1. Yup! It was really exhausting. But we learned a lot of things. Keep up the good work! :)


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